How do I create a new HomeGroup?

  1. Open the Control Panel from the Start menu.
  2. Select HomeGroup in the Control Panel. create-windows-7-homegroup-1
    Note: If HomeGroup is not available, change View by to Large icons at the top right of the Control Panel.
  3. Select Create a homegroup. create-windows-7-homegroup-2
    Note: If you receive a message saying the network location needs to be set to Home before you can create or join a HomeGroup, check out my Change Network Location guide.
  4. Check off what type of files you want to share and then click Next. create-windows-7-homegroup-3
  5. Write down the password in the yellow box. The password is case sensitive. Other computers will need this password to join the HomeGroup you just created. create-windows-7-homegroup-4