Free Security Enhancements

Guys ,before you spend a dime on security , there are many precautions you can take that will protect you against the most common threats .
Check Windows Update and Office Update regularly ( _http ://office .microsoft .com/productupdates ) ; have your Office CD ready . Windows Me , 2000 , and XP users can configure automatic updates . Click on the Automatic Updates tab in the System control panel and choose the appropriate options .
Install a personal firewall .SyGate ( www .sygate .com ) and ZoneAlarm ( www .zonelabs .com ) offer free versions .
Install a free spyware blocker . SpyBot is also paranoid and ruthless in hunting out tracking cookies .
Block pop-up spam messages in Windows NT , 2000 , or XP by disabling the Windows Messenger service ( this is unrelated to the instant messaging program ) . Open Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services and you'll see Messenger . Right-click and go to Properties . Set Start-up Type to Disabled and press the Stop button . Bye-bye , spam pop-ups ! Any good firewall will also stop them .
Use strong passwords and change them periodically . Passwords should have at least seven characters ; use letters and numbers and have at least one symbol . A decent example would be f8izKro@l . This will make it much harder for anyone to gain access to your accounts .
If you're using Outlook or Outlook Express , use the current version or one with the Outlook Security Update installed . The update and current versions patch numerous vulnerabilities .
Buy antivirus software and keep it up to date . If you're not willing to pay , try Grisoft AVG Free Edition ( Grisoft Inc . , www .grisoft .com ) . And doublecheck your AV with the free , online-only scanners available at
www .pandasoftware .com/activescan and _http ://housecall .trendmicro .com .
If you have a wireless network , turn on the security features : Use MAC filtering , turn off SSID broadcast , and even use WEP with the biggest key you can get . For more , check out our wireless section or see the expanded coverage in Your Unwired World in our next issue .
Join a respectable e-mail security list , such as the one found at our own Security Supersite at http ://security .ziffdavis .com , so that you learn about emerging threats quickly and can take proper precautions .
Be skeptical of things on the Internet . Don't assume that e-mail "From :" a particular person is actually from that person until you have further reason to believe it's that person . Don't assume that an attachment is what it says it is . Don't give out your password to anyone .