Computer Pranks

Guys ,In this post i am sharing a computer prank that you can play with your friend's Laptops and Computer .
Well ,generally WAV files are played with Windows Media Player .i am sharing a VBS-file that will run audio files that you can't see .
Just open the notepad and paste the following codes in it .
strSoundFile = "C :|WINDOWS|Media|YOURSOUNDFILE .wav"
Set objShell = CreateObject( "Wscript .Shell" )
strCommand = "sndrec32 /play /close" & chr( 34 ) & strSoundFile & chr( 34 )
objShell .Run strCommand , 0 , False
Now just change the ( YOURSOUNDFILE ) to the sound file you want to play . Now save the file to your harddisk , example :
C :/Sound .vbs .
Make double click on it to check it .
To play these files automaticly . You have to create task .
Go to Start>Control Panel>Scheduled Task>Import Task
Select your VBS file when the wizard asks if
you want to open a software application . You want your friend's computer beep at 12 .00pM .this is for windows 7 users .
For windows xp users-
Go to Start > All programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks .
A new window will appear . Double click on "Add scheduled task" and follow the instructions .
That's it .